
Brief Memoir of a Blender

Brief Memoir of a Blender

I am an aging multicultural blender. My glass bowl came from the Philippines, my practical plastic lid was imported from Mexico, my snappy blades were sharpened somewhere in the USA, and all my parts came together in China. My birth certificate (they call it ‘registration’) says Florida. Go figure. Since I was purchased by my […]

The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense

  When I talk about the six senses in memoir writing, occasionally someone asks me, don’t you mean five? The Famous Five they mean are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. A writer makes a story come alive when generous use of the Famous Five is splashed fragrantly onto an otherwise sense-less page. The reader […]

Fifteen Great Memoirs to Read

  Empathy relies on a willingness to step into the shoes of another person and leave our own world behind. We do this when we read memoir. When we understand what moves another, we are taking a giant step towards felling barricades. Barricades of racism, poverty, mental illness, zenophobia and all the other phobias. Indeed, […]

Operation Turtle Migration

Operation Turtle Migration

(The environment is a necessary part of any memoir. It is the setting where the narrator’s story unfolds. Indeed, its existence is why the human species survives at all. Here, activist and naturalist Joan Norris relates how hundreds of doomed turtle eggs and hatchlings were given a chance to survive with strategic intervention.) Have you […]

Who is Your Audience?

It was Mother’s Day in Port Hope. In a small house, gray clapboard with blue shutters, the phone rang. Her walker was handy, but so was the phone this time. It was John. “Mom, you have to write your story!” John had just reconnected with the yoga teacher his mom had signed him up with […]

Editing an Arctic Memoir

Editing an Arctic Memoir

(UPDATE! UPDATE! In 2018, Native Born Son  was published. It’s wonderful!  I highly recommend it. It will give you an authentic feeling for what life was like for some of the Arctic’s first peoples by a man who lived with them, and loved and respected them.) You know how attics can contain hidden treasure? When Marnie Hare […]

Crowd Funding My Book

I, who am a nitwit when it comes to computerese (computer-ease), decided to crowd fund the publishing costs of my recent book, The Gift of Memoir. My only other book came out in the last century. That was before we knew that the future would run wild with connections zooming across oceans and galaxies. Was […]